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May 2, 2022

This week on the Marina Perry Podcast, Marina discusses parts, fragmentation, and the reclamation of our parts. Parts of us are the aspects of our personality or behaviors we either identify with or have chosen not to. As we go through life, we’re being fed information and feedback that we internalize as lessons for survival and expectation. 


If you’re punished for certain behaviors, or even if you’ve heard people in your life speak poorly of others who displayed those behaviors, your desire to be loved and accepted will force you to reduce the acceptance of those parts within yourself. 


We can disown a part of ourselves, meaning you brought a part forward and experienced a painful rejection for it. And if we experience that rejection repeatedly, we’ll shut it down and stop doing it. We can also leave pieces of ourselves dormant, which happens when we witness someone we respect reject someone else we are less likely to step into that same behavior for fear of rejection. 


Thirdly, we can fragment ourselves in what’s called the distorted part. This is when we allow pieces of ourselves to show through, but only in specific environments when we know we’re more likely to not experience rejection. Every single person walking the planet has fragmented themselves based on their conditioning. It doesn’t mean you’re living a terrible life; you can be incredibly successful and still fragment. A sign of fragmentation is triggered by someone displaying a specific behavior because that means you’ve encoded that behavior as bad. 


We end up draining our own energy by not owning these parts. That denial takes energy away from us, and when we open up, we can release and use that energy. The same way you have an arm and an elbow in your physical being, you have parts to your identity and spiritual being that is just as much a part of you as anything else. 


With women in particular, as we pick up more roles in life, we start establishing all these rules for ourselves of what we’re “supposed” to be in these roles. For example, when we step into motherhood, we can no longer be a boss or a sexy minx because our conditioning says mothers can’t be those things. So we start repressing those parts of us to be what we think of as a proper mother. Marina invites you to explore what makes your identity, is something serving you, and think of what life would be like if you welcomed those parts back into expression.


What You Will Learn:


  1. What parts and fragmentation are, and why we repress them.
  2. How repression of those parts drains our energy.
  3. What we can reclaim those parts.